Eventi vecchi e nuovi

Benvenut* nel blog storico 2013-2022 del dipartimento di Transnational Italian Studies di Bryn Mawr College! Qui troverete immagini e annunci di eventi passati. Per essere sempre aggiornat* sugli eventi italiani a Bryn Mawr, vi invitiamo a seguire le nostre pagine: YouTube Channel,  instagram italian_trico , Facebook Italiano a Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore

Welcome to the historic blog 2013-2022 of the Department of Transnational Italian Studies at Bryn Mawr College! Here you will find pictures and announcements from past events. To be updated on current events, please follow us on YouTube Channel, Instagram italian_trico and on Facebook Italiano a Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore 

Il nuovo semestre

Finalmente, ecco il video sui corsi del prossimo semestre, Primavera 2021 !!!

Watch it to learn more about the courses that the Department of Italian and Italian Studies will offer in Spring 2021!
Please circulate this video and never hesitate to reach out if you have questions (cross listings, authorizations for 200/300 level courses, the ideal path towards a major or minor, etc.).
Grazie e a presto!