The Difference Italy Makes. Tuesday, 20th at 4.30 p.m. 17 October, 2015Eventi, Eventi futuriPamela Pisone This coming Tuesday, Oct. 20th, join the Italian Club for a lecture in Villanova!
Italian Breakfast at Haverford College. 30 September, 2015Eventi, Eventi passatiITALH 001 September 30thPamela Pisone Cappuccini for breakfast!
Bryn Mawr and Haverford Graduation 2015 20 May, 2015Eventi, Eventi passati, Feste, Graduation, SuccessiNorman Rusin Honors student Michelle Huges, Roberta Ricci, and Gabriella Troncelliti. Roberta Ricci and Gabriella Troncelliti with alumnae Zoe Guastella e Mairin O’Connor. Adriana Volterra with her parents and Roberta Ricci. (left to right) Roberta Ricci, Michele Monserrati, Gabriella Troncelliti, Ana Reina. (right to left) Roberta Ricci, Michele Monserrati, Gabriella Troncelliti, Adriana Volterra, and her parents. (left to right) Roberta Ricci, Michelle Monserrati, Brandon Kelly, Gabriella Troncelliti.
Italian Tea: Spring 2015 6 April, 2015Eventi, Eventi passatiNorman Rusin Students and Instructors of the Italian Department met today to talk about classes offered in the Fall 2015, learning opportunities and fun activities, study abroad offers for the Italian community at BMC.