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Te’ Italiano
Students at Prof. Ricci’s book presentation
Last February 1st, Bryn Mawr and Haverford students of ITALB304, “Il Rinascimento in Italia e oltre,” went to the Italian Consulate in Philadelphia to listen to Prof. Ricci’s presentation of her book Scrittura, riscrittura, autoesegesi: voci autoriali intorno all’epica in volgare.
Book Presentation by Prof. Roberta Ricci
Il Natale arriverà alla Tavola Italiana!
Siete tutti invitati alla festa di Natale la settimana prossima. Il 12 dicembre avremmo la solita tavola italiana, ma questa volta sarà circondata dallo spirito di Natale. Ci saranno dei biscotti italiani deliziosi e molta gente pronta a celebrare. Vi aspettiamo alla Dorothy Vernon Room dalle 12pm – 1:30pm il prossimo mercoledì per l’ultima tavola italiana del anno. Siete liberi a portare qualsiasi cosa dello spirito del Natale.
The Making of Inspector Montalbano
Along with the Film Studies department, the Italian Department held a Fall Tea for all students on Thursday, November 1. Many students showed interest in the department with their thoughtful questions and comments about upcoming courses and activities.
As well, Alberto Sironi, director of the popular series Detective Montalbano, gave a lecture and follow-up discussion on November 6 that was open to the public called “The Making of Inspector Montalbano.”
Our Italian club will have an annual Christmas dinner during the holiday season and is open to suggestions for upcoming events!